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Monday, August 2, 2010

a day of sleep 072710

aTUESDAY: training day 12. this day, when i went out of the office, i immediately went home to rest. when i got home, i ate some breakfast check my fb account. then i changed my clothes and laid on the bed just to lay down for a moment. the next thing i realized is that i woke up 7pm already!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is why i hate to lay down for some moments when i still have things to do. i slept all throughout the day and made this day very very unproductive. i feel sad about it but what can i do, it has already been done. no use crying over spilled milk, right? so i would like to write as much i can today but, i guess this would be the best that i can describe the day. so until tomorrow then.

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