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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a day of completing things 080210

MONDAY: training day 16. early morning i woke up and decided to finish off all pending blog post and upload them to the net immediately. from morning to afternoon ive been here in my room doing blogs and posting each one of them. about 4pm i started to get ready to go to to ascott and meet reina because she's going to have coaching with coaching patricia and i wanted to listen to it.

they started on time and i was with them listening to everything that was mention. slowly i realized all things i have forgotten since i became busy with the rat race. it was like a crash course of all learning i got from ca2020 since i joined. it reminded me of why i am doing this business and why i am fighting for my freedom, my financial freedom.

this day i realized that there was a deeper why inside me and i forgot about it. this event dragged it up and reminded me why all of this things are happening. all because of my desire to achieve a better and peaceful life.

until the next day :D

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