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Friday, August 20, 2010

a day of great deal 081810

WEDNESDAY: after work, i went home immediately with a thought in mind. to contact the dealer's ad posted on e-bay that i was yesterday. my brother actually was the one who saw this ad and it was regarding a gunpla model he was looking for.

when i was traveling home, i tried calling this certain dealer of gunpla models. armed with a cell phone with unlimited call option, i called him and tried to get information how to order. i got to speak to someone named chris who has been selling gunpla model in the internet. we chatted around and made a deal.

i never imagined that it was that easy to order stuff and meet with dealers. i found out that chris was like me, an enthusiast with regards to gunpla models. suddenly i was attracting the same kind of person as me and it made me happy.

i realized now, how wonderful our lives are at the moment and compared it to before when there was no internet marketing, buy and sell websites, and cell phones. life was so different back then and thanks to a simple leverage, everything changed. people then produced gadgets and certain things that we can leverage on and take advantage.

i say, "Great deal!!" thanks to all the leverage i have in my life. :D

till my next entry then.

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