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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a day of occasional drinking 080710

SATURDAY: morning of this wonderful day i was invited for a celebration since it was the last day of classroom training and we all passed our exams regarding it. honestly i didn't want to join and drink for it but considering the fact that they invited me before and i refused. i have to give them this chance to be with me and celebrate so i decided to come a long and drank for this day.

for starters, i don't really drink beer, but because of my previous work, i learned to drink those. secondly, since im not used to drinking beer, i only drink lite beers and my usually limit is 2 bottles. now during the session, they ordered something harder.i was shock cause i know, i haven't tried it out and i don't know my limit regarding this harder drink.

but for the sake of building relationship with my workmates, i tried it out. laugh and fun, singing and dancing, jokes and more jokes while gulping down beer. time passed and we drank all the way thru 12 noon. later when i got home, i realized that i drank, at least 5 bottles of that beer! shocked that i was able t do this.

well there's always a first time for everything. and i can say that i learned a lot about myself that i was able to exceed my limits again. :D as they say, learning by doing :D see you tomorrow!

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