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Friday, August 20, 2010

a day of manga 081910

THURSDAY: i got back home a bit late because i got a long call on the last minute. then i played foosball for a bit with friends at work and ate breakfast after.

i got home and checked my fb account and some blog site im following everyday. i did a wrong turn to a website that ma me think of a great idea. i saw this manga strip or comic strip from the instruction manuals of some gunpla models posted in another internet site. days before i noticed that my brother was into reading manga strips. this got me interested and saved all the strips i found in the site.

i was able to collect 178 page of the story and 24 page as a side story. i was so happy because, all of it was in full color and i was able to compile them, though im missing 4 pages from the original story.

this may not be related to the whole sense of the blog which is to share the learning and experience from each day but sharing the things that interest me that i will fight for thru my journey of success.

so to speak, compiling manga comic books would be yet another doodad to be added in my dream list to do when im financially free. how i love a day just reading them out from cover to cover. :D

so see you tomorrow!

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