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Friday, August 20, 2010

a day of blogging 082010

FRIDAY:this day, when i got home i made to a point that i finish the entries that i need to do so to make my blog current and not late for days. it has been days since i haven't touched this computer for blog entries and the guilty is filling in everyday that passes by. and so before it eats me alive, i took time, sat down, reflect and typed in all the days that passed by.

i had allotted all the time before lunch for blogging and it felt great to share again my experiences. i even got comments and inquiries about my day yesterday thru facebook already and i just posted it earlier.

its so nice to give more because from what i believe, "the more you give, the more you receive!" so be ready for more sharing the coming days.

sharing is my basis for blogging. this daily habit is actually a product of a great habit of sharing everyday, whatever it is that i have (limited sharing for monetary needs though, it has boundaries. :D)

so until another great day tomorrow. see you!

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