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Monday, August 30, 2010

a day for conflict solving 082910

SUNDAY: was designated for the once a month cashflow & millionaire mind gathering. got to coach and facilitate cashflow again. i also got a chance to address some concerns of my friend. received a lot of blessings in forms of free stuff such as lots of free food, free ride, and free coaching. yet another day fulfilled but there was still conflict breeming internally. late at night when i shared this negativity with angel. it felt good in such a way that i was able to loosen up some of the baggages i have and able to rethink what's the best way to address them.

a day with the princess 082810

SATURDAY: right after work, i went to pampanga to meet up my princess and as she said, her uncles which had just arrived there. i got to meet a lot of people this day special her uncle who resides in australia. i had fun talking to him. as they went home, so did i. i went back to manila with my princess to escort her to pasig. got to spend time with her again as a form of a lil celebration for her upcoming birthday this september. and as i was riding a jeepney going home i felt tired yet so complete.

a day of paycheck 082710

FRIDAY: was another morning when i did some updating with my blogs. aside from that, its PAYCHECK day. wow, its like playing cashflow 101 and i just landed on the paycheck title and shouted out "paycheck!" for the my monthly cashflow. the money were off to the jars i made for them for safe and managed keeping. nothing much about the day but more on catching up with sleep and rest again for the last day of the week. i had scheduled activities for the weekend and need to store up some because most of those activities were supposed to be whole day. :D

a day for coaching breakthroughs 082610

THURSDAY: morning when i met up with my leader, close friend and ally, reina. we agreed to meet thusrday morning to catch up. she also asked me to explain all that there is to know about ca2020. so we had breakfast at chowking fronting shangrila plaza. first she then vented out all of her baggages and emotional troubles.it was a great experience to listen to a dear friend and helping them out. i gave her tips, tasks and somethings to do to counter her troubles. it was funny when she mentioned to see each other weekly to keep her sane from all her baggages.

a day i chose to sleep 082510

WEDNESDAY: is a day that i chose to rest and sleep for long hours since it has been a week of controlled sleeping habits. it felt like sleep was chasing me all over specially at work. i can't stay focused at the things im doing. me head hurt, me eyes were sore, my body felt so heavy that if i just sat down, i my eyes will automatically close themselves. this very experience taught me a very valuable thing. your body needs a break too. its not that when you still can, that you go on and on and on. pretty soon, without you knowing, your body will just collapse and breakdown. i had to make a choice early on the day, i practically missed my commitment day just for covering up my restlessness. i felt bad when i woke up knowing i missed it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

a day i really met bajoy 082410

TUESDAY: morning right after shift, i was with my team mate from work. her name is bajoy. before going home, we stopped by at the nearest mcdonald's for breakfast. while eating my hash browns, we were talking about relationships. i thanked her a lot for that since i learned so many things from her experience, kinda puts it in the "other people's experience" bracket for leverage. i realized so much that i was so lucky to have my princess, that i should be rethinking my thoughts. loving someone comes from your own choice. you don't force them to love you back, you let them love you for who you are.

"the more you give, the more you receive!"

Monday, August 23, 2010

a day i handled the wealth course 082310

MONDAY: today was a day for my commitment to the community. last week and the week before that, i have been going to shangrila to do my service but sad to say i wasn't able to facilitate because there was enough coaches to facilitate the attending guests. today i got lucky and was assigned to facilitate the very core of wealth course which is module 1 to two amazing ladies. it has really been a while since i already forgot some of the parts in the course but the seminar went as it should be. it was great and fun according to the two ladies i met and they thanked me for the new stuff they learned. to be honest, it has been my pleasure to do it since sharing is one of my favorite things to do.