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Friday, August 20, 2010

a day for life 081510

SUNDAY: yet another wonderful sunday to be with the person i really care for and love. earliest wake up time i did for the year, i woke up 430am. my body was just to excited to see my princess and i suddenly woke up at break dawn. without anything in mind that moment, i stood up, took a shower and dressed up because i wanted to be early to when i get there. i want to maximize my time there and be with her.

the trip was great and without delay. i arrived there 830am. so happy to see angel again after a week. it was fun spending time with her again. while i was there, we received a bad news from her relative that her uncle already passed away. got a chance to comfort her thru bad days and it made me realize one crucial thing and that is, "life is short". indeed life is short, we may never know when we will meet our creator.

questions rang all through out my mind while i hugged angel tight, "if ever that it will happen to me, am i set to leave a comfortable life for my loved ones?"; "did i do the best i can to live my life to the fullest?"; "have i done something that i can leave for my countrymen and for the betterment of the country?" these question rang and rang in my head. repeating, asking, questioning all details i have.

for some reason, these event made my mood change and affected me the rest of the day. angel and i even had a talk about us because i felt down and lonely. at first i thought that wasn't good enough and made me create lots and lots of stories about me, my relationship, my values. i thank angel for understanding and helping me clear out some of them. but at the end of the day, i realized that i want to hurry things up specially my success for things to go fine in the future.

for you my dear followers, are you ready to leave this world and have not done anything for your loved ones, friends and countrymen? until my next entry.

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