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Friday, August 20, 2010

a day for money management 081410

SATURDAY: early morning when i arrived home with my paycheck on hand. the instant that i got home, something snapped in my head and screamed!! "hey, manage your money! its for the better!" my subconscious was yelling out to me that moment. before i used to do this but something happened that i spend all of it and lead me o manage my finance poorly again.

i asked mom to provide 6 envelopes so i can properly separate my money for specific purposes. i divided my pay to six (6) different account to be used on a specific reason or purpose. there was a partition for everything i needed, like, daily needs, savings for investments, savings for expensive stuff, personal enhancement, luxury, and for donation.

i felt excited for this money management scheme because i want to see my finances grow and be more controlled than ever. so i promised myself to be more discipline with regards using my money in these envelopes. as i was doing this, mom was watching me. she commented that before she used to do this and wants to see if i can pull this up. i felt happy and challenge by her comment.

later that day, i used some of my money for luxury and ask mom to go with me to divisoria. i wanted to buy some gunpla models there for a cheaper cost, and since mom hasn't been to divisoria, i thought i could take her and show her around. we ended up tired but happy from shopping in divisoria because got a lot of great deals.

"managing money doesn't restrict freedom, it promotes it!" as the wealth course have mentioned. i wanted to see again my finance be more controlled and used for things that may be of help to me and for my betterment.

are you satisfied with how you handle your money? if not, feel free to ask me and ill be glad to share everything i know about the simplest and most effective money management method.

until tomorrow then. :D

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