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Monday, July 26, 2010

a day of judging 071910

MONDAY: training day 6. early morning i was still on my late sleep mode since work starts off at night. so this morning i did what i supposed to be doing and that is finishing my blog entries. i want to use this opportunity to apologize to all of you, my dear readers for my late posting of each entry. it just so happen that im on night shift now and i cant get to writing entries. i would like to apologize as well to the avid followers of my daily blogs, for posting a few entries all on the same time. please bear with my since im still adjusting my time and schedule. thank you :D

anyway, back to this day's happenings. since night shift require you to be awake at night, you then compensate with your day to sleep. i planned the whole afternoon doing blogs but i finished them early so i just hanged out. but for some reason, the sandman was able to put sad in my eyes and made me fall asleep. i later then realize that it was already 6:30pm. hurriedly i stood up, took a bath and dressed up for work.

at work, nothing much happened since its the usual stuff you do in the office, which is work. in my point of view, there's limited learning opportunity regarding life lessons. for me im not that growing in a sense because im doing a routine with the things i do. so to make everything short, the day just passed by as we discussed about work.

the only thing i know is this day, i learned how to play foosball. at first i was hesitant to play it when my colleagues are inviting me. but after some persuasions, i finally joined them and played foosball. while playing i was a bit awkward about it since i wasn't doing the right stuff, like i can't pass the ball, and even can't make a shot. anyway, as the day of training ended, i found out that i misjudged the game since before, i see it as childish because i only see children playing it.

my dear readers, refrain from believing you first ever assessment of something or your first impression because you might think twice when you find out more about it. ill stress out this cliche, "don't judge the book by its cover" since you won't learn anything by doing so. its like saying "i know that" to yourself, and when do, you automatically stop your own growth.

so until the next entry :D

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